Trailblazers in financial services
At Tradegate AG Wertpapierhandelsbank, we are proud to look back on decades of innovation and leadership in financial services, tracing our history back to the founding of Berliner Freiverkehr in 1986. From its humble beginnings in the year 2000, the development of the electronic trading platform Tradegate radically altered and improved the landscape of consumer financial services, as it evolved into Europe’s largest stock exchange catering specifically to the needs of retail investors.
As a fully licensed bank, we have been able to internalise a great number of processes peripheral to our core business. For many years, the company’s principal activity has been the role of market maker and liquidity provider to our own Tradegate Exchange, alongside market making services on other exchanges. Today, we are taking advantage of our unique position in the consumer market to diversify into other promising fields.